Monday 1 April 2019

Sweet Sesame Mid-Joint Wing

One of the methods in "upgrading" the bland taste of  the frozen wings is by marinating them with flavourful marinade. These delicious baked sweet and juicy chicken wings were made possible by adding an array of condiments including Knorr SavorRich Chicken Concentrated Seasoning. The home-concocted sesame chilli sauce complemented the wings with the sweet and sour taste ๐Ÿ˜‹

Serving: 2~3 persons

300g chicken mid-joints wings, thawed

1 slice ginger
2 garlic, sliced
1 tsp fried onion crisps
20g dark brown sugar
2g low-sodium fine salt/fine salt
4g low-sodium light soya sauce
15g oyster sauce
1g dark soya sauce, thick type
A few shakes of pepper powder
4g ่Šฑ้›•้…’ rice wine
3g Knorr SavorRich Chicken Concentrated Seasoning

1g sesame oil (to be added about 15 minutes later)

Sesame Chilli Sauce
1 tbsp Maggie sweet chilli sauce
1 tsp golden syrup/raw sugar
juice from one green lime
1/4 tsp sesame oil
1~2 tsp coriander leaves, finely cut
1 tsp roasted sesame seeds

1. Mix all the marinade ingredients, except the sesame oil, in a bowl. Set aside.

2. Rinse and pat dry the thawed chicken wings.

3. Pour the marinade onto the chicken wings.

Mix well, cover with a lid, and let it stands for about 15 minutes.

4. Add the sesame oil and mix well. Let the chicken wings marinate for about 1 hour or more. For longer marinating time, keep the marinated chicken wings in the fridge and take out about 1 hour before baking.

5. Line the baking tray with two sheets of tissue paper before placing a piece of parchment paper over.  As the bottom heating element of my oven toaster is relatively hotter than the upper heating element, the two sheets of tissue were to prevent the base of the wings from getting burnt.

Arrange the marinated wings in a single layer over the parchment paper. Bake in a preheated oven toaster at 180℃ for about 15 minutes.
Place the baking tray closer to the upper heating element if your oven toaster has an upper and lower rack.

Remove from the oven toaster, and brush a coat of the remaining marinade over the wings. Return the wings to the toaster oven, and bake at 170℃ for about 10 minutes.

Remove from the toaster oven, flip over the wings

brush another coat of marinade over the wings. Return to the oven toaster to bake at 170℃ for about 5 minutes.

Flip over the wings again and brush another coat of marinade over, and bake at 150℃ for about 5 to 10 minutes. The marinade should be used up by this round.

The wings are done ๐Ÿ˜‹

6. Prepare the sweet and sour chilli sauce by combining all the ingredients together.

7. Ready to serve. Enjoy the wings warm ๐Ÿ˜Š

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