Friday 10 December 2021

Round Seashell Butter Cake Madeleine

Madeleines are very small sponge cakes with a distinctive shell-like shape acquired from being baked in pans with shell-shaped depressions. 

I bought a round seashell cake pan and bake 6 small seashell shaped butter cakes using my two-egg almond butter cake recipe. Although I did not use an authentic madeleine recipe, the almond butter cake recipe baked in a beautiful seashell pan made some very nice soft butter cakes with velvety texture 😍

Video of the madeleines

Yield: 6x6cm small cake + 1 cupcake
Pan size: each seashell cake mould has a diameter of about 6.5cm
Baking temperature: In a a preheated oven at 160℃, middle rack, for about 20 to 30 minutes, or till an inserted cake tester draws out clean.

All ingredients in room temperature
Using 57~59g Omega 3&6 eggs
80g French lightly salted butter *
30g caster sugar
20g raw sugar/caster sugar

2 eggs
10g raw sugar/caster sugar

60g top/cake flour
20g almond powder
8g milk powder
2g baking powder

15g light sour cream/Greek yogurt
10g golden syrup
1g vanilla extract

* The lightly salted butter can be replaced by an equal amount of unsalted butter with 1g low-sodium salt.


1. Coat a non-stick madeleine cake pan with some homemade non-stick spread. Set aside.

2. Combine {C} in a small bowl. Set aside.

3. Combine {D} in a small glass. Set aside.

4. Whisk eggs under {B} till foamy, add in 10g of raw sugar, continue to whisk for about 5 minutes using a hand whisk.  Set aside

5. Cream softened butter under {A} till light. Add in the two sugars, continue to cream for about 5 minutes till the buttercream is light and fluffy.

6. Slowly add in the beaten egg from Step 4. Add in beaten egg when the previous batch has been well combined with buttercream.

7.  Add about 2 tablespoons of flour mixture from Step 2 to the batter and mix well. This helps to prevent the beaten eggs from separating from the buttercream. 

Fold in the rest of the flour mixture {C} into the batter using a spatula.

8. Finally, fold in {D} to the batter into a smooth one.

9. Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan from Step 1.
Rap the pan to get rid of trapped air bubbles and to level the batter.
Pour the remaining batter in a 6-cm paper cup.

10. Bake the batter in a preheated oven at middle rack, at 160℃ for about 20 to 30 minutes, or till an inserted cake tester draws out clean.
My Teka HLB840 oven has a Temperature Surround feature which allows the cake to be baked at a shorter duration.

11. Place the cake pan over a cooling rack. 

Flip the cakes over to expose the bottoms immediately. Let the cakes cool down a while before enjoying πŸ˜‹

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