Sunday 16 June 2024

Cucumber Pineapple Water Pickle

A simple and fast to prepare mixed fruits water pickle which is light and refreshing in taste. It is light in taste, as it does not have a pungent vinegar smell, only the sweet fragrance of citrus, pineapple and cucumber. Neither does it tasted too salty nor over-sweetened.

It went well with cloying foods like stir-fried radish cake and Chinese rice dumpling 😋


35g raw sugar

100g hot water

100g ice cubes

200g cucumber, cut into small chunks 

4g low sodium salt

2 green limes

1 slice of lemon

50g pineapple , cut into strips 

5g chili , cut into rings

1 clove garlic, cut into thick dice

3g coriander stems, break into 2cm lengths 



1. Add raw sugar and hot water to a clean mason jar. Swirl to dissolve the sugar and sterilize the jar simultaneously

2. Coat salt to cucumber chunks and set side in a bowl.

3. Add ice cubes to mason jar to lower the temperature before squeezing green lime juice and lemon juice. Leave the green lime and lemon in the syrup.

4. Add pineapple chunks, chilli, garlic, and coriander stems to the jar, and stir to mix well.

5. Pour the marinated cucumber chunks into the jar.

6. Cover the opening of the mason jar with cling wrap, and screw the lid to the jar. Shake the jar vigorously to mix the ingredients inside the jar.

7. Refrigerate for about 2 to 3 hours before serving 🥒🍍😋

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