Saturday 30 December 2023

Vanilla Ermine Cream

I like to use ermine cream as it uses less fattening butter yet deliver a smooth and milk-rich taste. Most important of all, it is more stable in our warmer climate.  

Yield: 245g of ermine cream 

100g low-fat milk *, preferably thawed
50g raw sugar/fine sugar
10g corn starch/potato starch

100g unsalted butter, softened
pinch of salt
1/4 tsp vanilla extract

* you can use full-cream milk too


1. Add raw sugar and 

corn starch to low-fat milk.

2. Stir over medium-low heat regularly

till the mixture thickened into a milk roux with consistency similar to condensed milk.

3. Cover with a sheet of cling wrap touching the surface of the milk roux. To lower the temperature faster, you may sit it in a bowl of icy cold water.

4. When the milk roux has cooled down, you are ready to prepare the ermine cream.

5. Cream the softened butter till light, then add the salt and vanilla extract.

6. Add cool milk roux to the butter cream by spoons. Add a new spoon of milk roux after the previous one has been well combined with the butter cream.

Continue to whip the cream till it is light and fluffy.

7. Transfer to a piping bag and the ermine cream is ready to be used 😀

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