Saturday, 26 March 2022

World Water Day Jelly

22 March 2022 is World Water Day. Prepared 4 cups of agar-agar jelly to join in the fun 💧
Top layer - blue pea flower agar - a crystal like blue layer
3rd layer - plain agar - clean water layer
2nd layer - milk layer - a white layer to reflect light to the transparent layers above
1st layer - palm sugar agar - signify the rich Earth below
- all in pandan flavour🌱

Although the agar agar may seem plain in taste but it signifies the importance of clean water to the living world. The milk and palm sugar layers are kept at the end - good things are worth waiting for😋

Servings: 4 x 200ml glasses

[Agar agar water]
300g water
1 blade pandan leaf

7g agar agar powder 
80g fine sugar
40g water

- bring 300g water and pandan leaf to a boil.
- mix agar agar powder, fine sugar and 40g water into a paste.
- dissolve the agar agar paste in boiling water. Cover the pot with a lid, and keep the agar agar water warm in simmering state. 
Cover the pot to prevent water from evaporating from the warm agar-agar water excessively.

[Palm sugar layer]
4g palm sugar 
40g water

30g warm agar agar water

- dissolve palm sugar in 40g water well.
- add 30g of warm agar agar water to the palm sugar solution. m=Mix all the three well, and divide among the 4 x 200ml-glasses. 
- set in fridge to harden.

[Milk layer]
60g low-fat milk
2g whipping cream 

40g warm agar agar water

- mix all three together and divide among the 4 glasses. 
- set in fridge to harden.

[Plain layer]
210g water
140g warm agar agar water

- mix both together and divide among the 4 glasses. 
- leave the glasses at room temperature to harden.

[Blue pea flower layer]
200g water
2g blue pea flower powder

150g warm agar agar water

- dissolve blue pea flower powder in 200g water.
- add the remaining warm agar agar water (about 150g) to mix with the blue pea flower water. Pour the blue pea flower agar agar water into a long metal tray.
- set in fridge to harden.
- slit the hardened agar agar into stripes, and add to the plain layer of the 4 glasses.
- refrigerate and serve cold 🥶 

Chive Pancake

Savoury chives pancake in shrimp flavour pan-fried till golden, and served with sesame Korean chili as dipping sauce. Simple to prepare, delicious to taste 😋

This recipe uses the convenient Adabi Fritter Flour in shrimp flavour. As the fritter flour has been added with seasoning, baking powder and fortified with vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C, it freed me from the hassle of measuring and adding different ingredients to make up the seasoning flour. Just add water to the fritter flour to get the batter to your desired consistency, add egg and your preferred vegetables to cook a pancake fast 😀
Different flavours of fritter flours

The hot hot Adabi Korean chili sauce 😮

Pancake Ingredients
30g Adabi Shrimp Fritter Flour
30g water
1 egg, 55g

3g red chili, chopped
18g onion, julienned
35g chives, cut into short length

Korean Chili Sauce Ingredients
15g Adabi Korean Sauce
5g raw sugar
1g sesame oil
6g fresh lime juice/vinegar
1 tsp roasted sesame seeds

1. Add water to fritter flour, and mix into a smooth batter.

2. Mix in the egg.

3. Add chives, onion and red chili to the batter.

Mix all the ingredients well.

4. Heat about 1 tbsp of vegetable oil in a 16cm non-stick pan or pot. When the oil is hot, pour the batter in, use a spatula to spread out the batter. Cover the pot or pan with a lid and cook the batter

till the entire pancake has hardened.

5. Flip over the pancake to cook the other face briefly.

6. Transfer the pancake to a serving plate, and cut into your desired number of portions.

7. Mix all the ingredients under the Korean Chili Sauce together.

8. Serve the pancake hot with the Korean Chili dipping sauce 😋

Saturday, 19 March 2022

Eggless Peanut Pancake (Min Jiang Kueh)

After about one week of non-stop trying, I finally achieved the pancake of my desired texture, taste and size - the recipe is eggless; the pancake has crispy edge; soft yet springy crumb; and a snack size portion 😀

I have been queuing at a pancake or min jiang kueh stall almost every weekend to buy some delicious pancakes for my family. However, besides the long waiting time, the stall ran out of pancakes very fast, or did not have the fillings I wanted. Those are the reasons forcing me into replicating pancakes at home. Although the recipe I came out has not 100 percent matched the stall standard, it is quite close I would say 😉

Everyone has their own preferences of pancakes, if you like crispy crust, soft and springy crumb pancakes, you may want to try out my recipe below 👇😃

Video of my red bean paste pancake 📹

Scroll to the end of this recipe to see the 4-portion recipe

Servings: 2 to 3 small portions
Frying pan size: 14x15 cm non-stick tamagoyaki pan or round frying pan


55g plain flour
5g tapioca starch/plain flour
15g raw sugar/fine sugar
1g baking powder
pinch of baking soda
1/8 ~ 1/4 tsp instant dry yeast *
pinch of vanillin powder, optional
pinch of low-sodium salt

19g hot water, above 80℃
50g low fat milk/ whole milk, room temperature
20g water, room temperature

4g rice bran oil/mild flavour vegetable oil, optional

10g creamy peanut butter
25g sugar peanut powder

* If you prefer a shorter proofing time, add a bigger portion of instant dry yeast. Or else, keep it at 1/8 tsp.


1. Mix plain flour, tapioca starch, raw sugar, baking powder, baking soda, instant dry yeast, vanillin powder, and low-sodium salt in a small mixing bowl using a hand whisk.

2. Add hot water to the flour mixture from Step 1.

3. Without stirring the content in Step 2, pour milk into the mixing bowl.

Using the hand whisk, give the batter about a 1-minute of quick stirrings in one direction until gluten form, or till the batter becomes smooth and glossy.

4. Add 20g of water to the batter, followed by the rice bran oil, stir till the batter is well mixed 

5. Cover with a lid, and let the batter proof for about 1 to 3 hours.

About 3 hours later 👇

6. Apply a very thin coat of oil over a non-stick frying pan and heat over medium-low flame till evenly warm up. While the pan is heating up, briefly stir the batter to release the trapped bigger air bubbles. 

Let the batter rest till the pan has heated up.

7. When the pan is evenly heated up, pour in the batter. 
The pancake will take about 10 to 12 minutes to finish cooking 🍳

Give the pan two rounds of swirling to form a thin skirting around the edge of the batter.

Wait for the batter to cook till the pancake edge shrinks away from the pan,

and most of the pancake surface is cooked, or only left a small patch of batter un-cooked at the center.

Cover the pan with a wooden chopping board or lid. This helps the pancake to cook faster.

The pancake is cooked when the edge is brown and the surface is dry. Let the pancake cook for a while after removing the lid, this helps to dry the pancake, or else the base would be wet.

8. Remove the pan from the heat source,

and run a silicone spatula around the edge of the pancake to loosen it from the pan.

Transfer the pancake to a wooden board lined with parchment paper,

and fold the pancake in half. If the pancake is to lie with the whole crispy crust facing down, the crust would become soggy because of the accumulated condensation of the remnant steam. Let the pancake rest for about 2 to 3 minutes.

9. While the pancake is still warm, open up the folded pancake, apply a thin layer of creamy peanut butter over the soft face of the pancake

Sprinkle sugar peanut powder over the peanut butter.

Spread out the sugar peanut powder evenly over the pancake face.

Fold the pancake in half again.

10. Cut the pancake and enjoy it warm or cold 😋

Red Bean Paste Pancake

Servings: 4 small portions
Frying pan size: 11x12 cm non-stick tamagoyaki pan or round frying pan


70g plain flour
10g tapioca starch/plain flour
20g raw sugar/fine sugar
1/4 tsp baking powder
pinch of baking soda
1/4 tsp instant dry yeast 
pinch of vanillin powder, optional
pinch of low-sodium salt

20g hot water, above 80℃
65g low fat milk/ whole milk, room temperature
25g water, room temperature

4g rice bran oil/mild flavour vegetable oil, optional

100g red bean paste

- Divide the batter into two portions and cook in a smaller tamagoyaki pan 11x12 cm twice. So, you will get two smaller pancakes. Cut the pancakes into halves to get 4 portions 😋