I did some adjustments to my previous recipe, Pandan Coconut Sponge Cake (pandan powder), to bake a similar cake with better browning to the crust. Without the brown caramelized crust, the cake would not be smelled as nice.
More fresh young pandan leaves have been added to enhance the pandan aroma. The pandan powder alone could not do the magic 🪄
If you hate the hassle of extracting pandan juice, and would like to have a healthier cake with lesser fine sugar and coconut product, you may want to try out this light pandan sponge cake recipe 😉😋
Video of preparation process:
Cake Ingredients
All ingredients in room temperatureUsing 55~56g eggs
20g coconut oil
18g rice bran oil/vegetable oil
60g top/cake flour
2g pandan powder
30g low-fat milk
4g young pandan leaves, chopped
10g golden syrup/honey
3 egg yolks
3 egg whites
1/8 tsp low-sodium salt
20g fine sugar
20g raw sugar/fine sugar
1. Line an 6" round cake pan with parchment paper at the base. Need not grease the wall of the pan. .
4. Pour in the pandan-milk mixture from Step 2, and mix well.
5. Combine the yolks, one at a time, to the pandan batter till well combined. Set aside.
6. Beat egg whites in a clean, dry and grease-free bowl, till frothy. Add in a pinch of salt, and first batch of the sugar mixture. Continue to beat the egg whites. Slowly add in the remaining sugar mixture in two batches. Stop beating after the meringue has achieved firm peak stage.
7. Transfer about 1/4 of the meringue to mix with the pandan batter from Step 5.
Pour the pandan batter back to mix with the remaining meringue.
8. Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan from Step 1.
Stand the cake pan in a 20cm square pan, filled with 2cm deep of hot water,
9. Preheat the oven to 165℃, turning on only the upper heating coil, for about 10 minutes.
Bake at middle rack of a preheated convection oven, at 165℃ for 15 minutes. Next, lower the temperature to 130℃, turn on both the upper and lower heating coils, and bake for 40 minutes.
Please adjust the oven temperature setting according to your oven requirement for baking a sponge cake.
10. Remove the cake from the oven. If you want to dry the cake after un-moulding, you may want to keep the oven door close to conserve the heat.
Drop the cake with the pan from a height of about 10 cm onto a kitchen towel thrice.
Let the cake cool down for about 20 minutes in the pan, or till the cake shrinks away from the wall of the pan.
When the cake starts to pull away from the wall of the pan, jiggle to loosen the cake,
and turn it out to a cooling rack.
You may want to dry the cake in a warm oven using the remnant heat for about 15 minutes.
11. Cut the cake after cooling down. Enjoys 😋