Monday, 23 August 2021

Oats & Quinoa Soy Milk Bread (SSL)

I always like to try out different ingredients in my bread baking. When I bought home a small carton of oats & quinoa soy milk (less sugar), I started to work on an oat bread recipe. Added honey, whipping cream, and oatmeal to the crust to match the "oats" theme of this bread.
If you like heavy, dense, springy, yet soft bread, I believe you would enjoy this bread 😍😋

Yield: one loaf of bread
Pan size: 21x13x10 cm Jamie Oliver 1.5L bread pan
Raw dough weight: 649g
Baking temperature: Preheat oven to 190℃, lower rack, bake at 180℃ for 15 minutes, reduce to 170℃ for 15 minutes, turn off oven and continue to bake for 5 minutes. Tent the crust with aluminum foil at the last 7 minutes of baking.

Sweet Stiff Levain (SSL)

40g cool boiled water
15g raw sugar
20g natural yeast, 100% hydration*
80g unbleached bread flour

* 20g natural yeast can be replaced by 10g bread flour + 10g water + 1/8 tsp instant dry yeast

Let the sweet stiff levain stands in room temperature for about 8 hours, or triple in volume, before adding to dough.
sweet stiff levain (👈click to access the preparation method)

Qats & Quinoa Soy Milk Dough

200g bread flour
35g spelt flour/plain flour
40g raw sugar
1g instant dry yeast
Pinch vanillin powder, optional

150~155g sweet stiff levain 
20g multigrain soy pulp *, optional
20g beaten egg
120g oats & quinoa soy milk
30g whipping cream, cold
30g water, cold (to be added depending on dough condition)
4g low-sodium fine salt

20g unsalted butter, softened

* multigrain soy pulp can be replaced by about 10g milk. Multigrain soy pulp was made up of organic soy beans, almonds, red kidney beans, black beans, split green peas, walnut, pumpkin seeds, mung beans and pandan leaf.

2g whipping cream
4g honey
8g instant oatmeal


Knead the dough following your preferred method till reaching window pane.
1. Mix  Ingredient A in a mixing bowl.

2. Mix in Ingredient B. Mix in one direction till it becomes a lump. Cover with a lid and let the dough rest for 15 minutes

3. Knead the dough using an electric hand mixer fitted with a pair of dough hooks till the dough is smoother. Knead in Ingredient C.

4. Knead in Ingredient D, 

till the dough is smoother and a bit glossy.

5. Perform about 100 to 200 sets of "slapping and folding" till the dough is elastic (the dough can stretch to about 30 cm without breaking).
The dough can also be pulled out into a thin membrane, known as window pane stage.

6. Shape into a ball

and transfer the dough into a plastic bag coated with a thin layer of oil. Tie a loose knot, and keep in a second plastic bag before storing in a big mixing bowl with a lid.
Store the dough in the fridge for about 12 to 16 hours, or overnight to undergo cold fermentation. 
My fridge temperature is about 4℃.

7. On the next day, remove the outer plastic bag, invert the dough, and let it thaw in room temperature for about 2 hours.

8. Turn out the dough onto a floured work top. Deflate the dough, divide into 3 portions, and shape into 3 balls. Cover with an inverted mixing bowl, and rest for 15 minutes.

8. Roll out the dough to about 1 cm thick.

Flip over the dough, and fold in the two wings, overlapping each other.

Roll flat to achieve an even thickness. Finally, roll up like a swiss roll.

Pinch to seal the edge.

Place the shaped dough into the prepared bread pan.

End of 105-minute second proofing, or till the dough almost reaching the rim of the pan👇

9. Start to preheat oven to 190℃ for about 10 minutes. While waiting, brush whipping cream and honey mixture under the Toppings, over the top of the dough.

Sprinkle oatmeal over the honey coating.

10. Bake at 180℃ for 15 minutes, reduce to 170℃ for 15 minutes, turn off oven and continue to bake for 5 minutes
Tent the crust with aluminum foil at the last 7 minutes of baking, or when the crust has browned before the baking ends,

10. Remove the hot bread from the pan after leaving the oven, and rest on a wire rack to cool down.

11. After the bread has completely cooled down, cut and enjoy 🍞 😋

Saturday, 21 August 2021

Lemon Butter Sponge Cake

A butter sponge cake that resembles Japanese cheesecake with a velvety cake crumb and nice aroma of butter and lemon. Love this light cake with great aroma and taste 😋

Yield: 1 round cake
Pan size: 6x3" round pan
Baking temperature: Preheated oven to 170℃ switching on only the upper heating element, bake at lower rack at 170℃ for 40 minutes. Reduce temperature to 150℃ switching on both upper and lower heating coils, and bake for 20 minutes.

All ingredients in room temperature
Using 55g Omega 3&6 eggs

40g unsalted butter

60g top/cake flour 
3g milk powder
1/8 tsp low-sodium salt

25g oats & quinoa soy milk/milk
10g golden syrup/condensed milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2g lemon rind, chopped finely

3 egg yolks

3 egg whites
5g lemon juice
25g fine sugar
20g raw sugar/fine sugar

This is the oats & quinoa soy milk I used.

1. Line an 6" round cake pan with parchment paper at the base. Need not grease the wall of the pan. Place a grid iron at the base of a 20cm square pan. Set aside.
I bought the grid iron from Daiso.

2. Combine oats & quinoa soy milk, golden syrup, vanilla extract and chopped lemon rind in a small glass. Set aside to thaw to room temperature.

3. Mix top flour, milk powder, and salt in a small bowl. Stir to loosen and mix. Set aside.

4. Warm butter at low temperature till reaching about 67 to 72℃ or small bubbles start to form at the bottom of the melted butter. 
Pour the top/cake flour mixture from Step 3 into the warm butter, mix briefly using a silicone spatula, and remove from the stove. Continue to fold till it becomes a smooth paste.
Ensure all the butter has been well incorporated with the flour, or else the "loose" butter will burst the bubbles of the meringue later.

4. After the flour has fully combined with the butter, mix in the soy milk mixture from Step 2.

5. Combine in the egg yolks, one at a time.

mix into a smooth batter. Set aside.

6. Beat egg whites in a clean, dry and grease-free bowl, till frothy. Add in lemon juice, and first batch of the fine and raw sugar mixture. Continue to beat the egg whites at high speed. Slowly add in the remaining sugar mixture in two batches.
Fresh eggs will give a smooth and glossy meringue, while  the egg whites of the "old" eggs will be more watery, so it's difficult to achieve nice smooth meringue

Stop beating after the meringue has achieved almost stiff peak stage.

7. Transfer about 1/4 of the meringue to combine with the yolk batter from Step 5.

Pour back the yolk batter to mix with the remaining meringue into a smooth batter.

8. Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan.

Bang the cake pan against the work top to level the batter and to get rid of trapped air bubbles.

Place the cake pan into the 20cm square pan, and fill the square pan with about 1cm deep of hot water.

9. Bake at lower rack of a preheated oven at 170℃, turning on only the upper heating element, for about 40 minutes.
After the 40 minutes heating, reduce the temperature to 150℃, turning on both the upper and lower heating elements, for about 20 minutes.

10. Remove the cake from the oven.

Drop the cake with the pan from a height of about 10 cm to a kitchen towel thrice.

Let the cake cool down for about 20 to 25 minutes in the pan.

When the cake starts to pull away from the wall of the pan, jiggle to loosen the cake, and turn it out to a cooling rack

You may want to dry the cake in a warm oven for about 15 minutes.

Cut and enjoy 😋😋