Very soft sweet buns with lightly brown crust in order bring out the milk taste of the bread. The crust of the buns was brushed with aromatic browned butter to enhance the aroma of the milky buns 😋
Serve the soft bun with a pat of cold butter is all it needed 🧈😋
Update: 3 June 2022
Add a strip of custard over the buns for added flavour. The steps can be found at the end of this recipe 🔚

Yield: 10 small buns
Raw dough weight: 520g
Pan size: 30.5x19x3.5cm
Baking temperature: Preheat oven to 180℃, middle rack, bake at 160℃ for 20 ~25 minutes.
200g bread flour
20g top flour/cake flour
40g raw sugar
1g instant dry yeast
30g yudane dough^
10g condensed milk
105g low-fat milk, cold
15g beaten egg
30g cold water, to be added depending on dough condition
2g low sodium salt
20g unsalted butter, softened
egg wash
3~4g butter
* 50g natural yeast can be replaced by 25g each of bread flour and water + 1/8 tsp instant dry yeast. Let the mixture stand for about 1 hour or more till it doubles in volume, before use. You can also keep the mixture in the fridge overnight and thaw it for 1 hour before use.
^ 30g yudane dough is prepared by combining 16g of bread flour with 16g of very hot or boiling water into a sticky dough. Wrap the yudane dough in cling wrap, and cool down before use. Use a silicone spatula to scrape out the sticky yudane dough from the cling wrap.
1. Knead the dough following your preferred method.
For my method, you can refer to my recipe
Yudane Milk Bread. After kneading the dough to window pane stage,
2. After kneading the milk dough to window pane, shape the milk dough into a ball, and keep in a plastic bag coated with a little cooking oil. Keep the dough in the fridge overnight.
3. In the next day, remove the outer plastic bag, and let the dough thaw at room temperature for about 90 to 100 minutes.
4. Divide the dough into 10 portions, shape into balls and let them rest for about 15 minutes.
5. Shape each dough ball into a small Swiss roll shape.
6. Arrange the shaped dough in a baking tray (30.5x19x3.5cm) lined with parchment paper. Let the shaped dough prove in a cold oven for about 45 minutes.
45 minutes later 👇
7. Preheat the oven to 180℃. While waiting, brush the shaped dough with beaten egg.
I think I’ll use milk, which can give a more even browning, next round 🤔
8. After closing the oven door, reduce the temperature to 160℃, and bake for about 20 to 25 minutes, or till the tops are lightly brown.
While the bread is baking, heat 3 to 4g of butter in a small cup till the milk solid turns brown at the bottom.
9. Remove the bread from the oven,
brush the hot buns with browned butter.
Let the hot buns cool over the rack.
Enjoy 😋
Condensed Milk Custard Bun
Custard Ingredients
30g instant custard powder *
25g whipping cream
75g milk
* Super instant custard powder unlike ordinary custard powder. The former does not need to be heated to thicken.
- mix all the 3 ingredients together and let the custard stand for about 5 minutes before use. Transfer the custard to a piping bag fitted with a Wilton nozzle 1D.
- Replace Step 7 by:
Preheat oven to 180℃. Pipe the custard in a continuous strip across the shaped dough. Dust some bread flour over.
Bake at middle rack of a preheated oven at 180℃ for 5 minutes, reduce temperature to 160℃ for 15 to 20 minutes.
Wait for the buns to cool down before cutting and serving 😋