Sunday, 25 September 2022

Air Fryer Donut (Yudane)

I have never made donut in my kitchen as I do not do deep frying. However, I decided to give donut-making a try after seeing it can be baked in an oven or air fryer. I was delighted the result of my first batch of air-fryer baked donuts was astounding 😍

My recipe gave a small quantity of 4 small donuts just nice for a family of four. The dough was quite small, so you can hand knead the dough without using a kitchen mixer😊✌

Video of the donuts 

Yield: 4 small donuts & balls
Raw dough weight: 180g
1st proofing: 60 minutes
2nd proofing: 30 minutes 
Baking temperature:  Preheat air fryer to 180℃, bake at 180C for 5 to 6 minutes, or till reaching your desired browning.

50g superior bread flour
30g plain flour plus/plain flour
10g raw sugar
1g instant dry yeast
Pinch of vanillin powder, optional 

10g natural yeast/sourdough, 100% hydration*
12g yudane dough^
5g condensed milk
40g milk, cold 
5g whipping cream 
10g cold water, to be added depending on dough condition

1g low sodium salt

10g unsalted butter, softened

Some homemade non-stick baking spread/cooking oil to be applied before baking 🍯

A little golden syrup to be applied to hot donuts 
Some fine sugar for coating 

* 10g natural yeast can be replaced by 5g each of bread flour and water.

^ yudane dough - mix 6g of bread flour with 6g hot water into a sticky paste. Wrapped in cling wrap and refrigerate before used.

🍯 non-stick baking spread  is a mixture of butter:oil:flour in a ratio of 2:2:1
click above link for detailed recipe 🖯


1. Knead dough to window pane. 
For detailed of my method, you can refer to my recipe Yudane Milk Bread.

First proofing 60 minutes. 

60 minutes later 👇

2. Deflate the dough and divide into 4 portions and shape into balls. Rest for 15 minutes

3. Flatten the dough using a dough cutter.  

Cut out a hole in the centre using a 2.5cm veggie cutter.

Transfer the dough and the ball onto separate parchment paper. Proof for 30 minutes in a close oven, or cover with a towel.

30 minutes later 👇

4. Preheat an air fryer to 180℃ for 5 minutes. While waiting, apply a coat of homemade non-stick baking spread over the dough surface

5. Bake in the preheated air fryer for about 5 to 6 minutes, or till reaching your preferred browning.

6. Remove the hot donuts from AF and apply a thin coat of golden syrup before coating in a bowl of fine sugar.

Repeat the same process for the dough balls. Serve hot and fresh 😋


Saturday, 24 September 2022

Corn Custard Bun

Corn custard buns with real corn bits have been one of my favourite stuffing breads, but only easy to get from local bakeries. Therefore, to eat them, I would have to bake them. It's really worth the efforts if you like corns and creamy custard in vanilla flavoured pumpkin buns 😃

[Custard filling, about 255g]
10g unsalted butter 
20g raw sugar 

20g top flour 
5g potato starch
40g lactose-free milk

40g whipping cream
10g condensed milk
1 egg, beaten 
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

50g fresh milk blend with
60g steamed corn kernels

For detailed preparation directions, please click the below link:

- heat A till fragrant.
- gradually mix B into paste, followed by C and D before pouring over A. Cook till thickened.
- cover with a cling wrap touching the custard surface. Cool down and refrigerate till needed.

[Pumpkin Milk Dough]
220g superior bread flour
20g superfine wholegrain flour
10g pumpkin powder
30g raw sugar 
1g instant dry yeast 
Pinch vanillin powder 

50g natural yeast, 100% hydration *
30g yudane ^
130g lactose free milk, cold
10g whipping cream 
15g beaten egg
30g water, cold to be added depending on dough condition

3g low-sodium salt

20g unsalted butter, softened 

Raw dough weight: 570g
1st proofing: overnight 
Thaw for 80 minutes before shaping.
Divide into 10 portions, rest for 15 minutes.
Wrap with 25g corn custard.
2nd proofing:  30 minutes 
Apply egg-milk wash, score 3 slits over dough.
Bake in preheated oven at 180C for 12 minutes, lower to 170C for 6 minutes, turn off oven continue to bake for 10 minutes.

205g bread flour
20g top flour/cake flour
10g pumpkin powder
30g raw sugar
1g instant dry yeast
A little vanillin powder, optional

50g natural yeast/sourdough, 100% hydration
30g yudane dough
15g condensed milk
110g lactose free milk, cold 
5g whipping cream
10g beaten egg 
30g cold water, 

3g low sodium salt

20g unsalted butter, softened

egg-milk wash

* 50g natural yeast can be replaced by 25g each of bread flour and water + 1/8 tsp instant dry yeast. Let the mixture stand for about 1 hour or more till it doubles in volume, before use. You can also keep the mixture in the fridge overnight and thaw it for 1 hour before use.

^ 30g yudane dough is prepared by combining 16g of bread flour with 16g of very hot or boiling water into a sticky dough. Wrap the yudane dough in cling wrap, cool down and refrigerate before use. Use a silicone spatula to scrape out the sticky yudane dough from the cling wrap.

1. Knead the dough following your preferred method. 
For my method, you can refer to my recipe Yudane Milk Bread. After kneading the dough to window pane stage, 

2. After kneading the milk dough to window pane, shape the milk dough into a ball, and keep in a plastic bag coated with a little cooking oil. Keep the dough in a second plastic bag before keeping in the fridge overnight.

3. In the next day, remove the outer plastic bag, invert the dough, and let it thaws at room temperature for about 80 minutes. Thaw the refrigerated corn custard at the same time.

4. Divide the dough into 10 portions, shape into balls, cover with a towel or plastic sheet, and let them rest for about 15 minutes.

5. Flatten the dough to a thickness of about 1cm. Scoop about 25g of corn custard into the center of the flattened dough. Wrap up the dough, and shape it into a long dough.

6. Arrange the shaped dough over a non-stick baking pan. Spray some mist over, and let the shaped dough proof in a cold oven for about 30 minutes.

7. Remove the proofed dough from the oven. And start to preheat the oven to 190℃ for about 10 minutes. 
Brush some egg-milk wash over the entire face of the shaped dough.

Make 3 slits over the surface of the shaped dough, optional.

8. Bake in the middle rack of a preheated oven at 180℃ for about 12 minutes. Lower the temperature to 170℃ and bake for 6 minutes or till the buns turn golden.
You may have to observe the colour of the buns to determine the duration of each baking temperature setting. The goal is to achieve a golden hue to the crust

9. Remove the tray of buns from the oven and let them cool down a while before serving. 
Store unconsumed cheese buns in fridge, and warm up before serving.