Monday 28 October 2013

Caramel Pudding Cake 焦糖布丁蛋糕

A delicious cool confection that merges caramel pudding to sponge cake. 

Yield: one 14cm cake 

Caramel Pudding
15g cool water 冷水
50g fine sugar 细糖
1~2 tbsp hot water 热水

200g milk 牛奶
35g fine sugar 细糖
50g whipping cream 动物性鲜奶油
2 eggs 鸡蛋
1/2 tsp vanilla extract 香草精

1. Place cool water and fine sugar in a stainless steel measuring cup to heat up over medium low flame.

2. Give a few light swirl to the measuring cup to mix the sugar and water.  Partially cover the cup to acceralate the heating process, and prevent sugar crystals from forming at the surface.
Do not stir the sugar, or else the sugar will not  melt.

3. When the sugar turns to yellow, then you can stir the sugar mixture. 

4. When the syrup darkened to darker brown, remove it from the flame. If the syrup is too thick to be poured out, add 1 to 2 tsp of hot water to the caramel to dilute the thick syrup. As the caramel is very hot, allow the added hot water to flow down from the wall of the cup.
Do not over boil and dry up the caramel, or else it will be too thick to be pour out.

5. Pour the caramel to the cake mould and swirl the cake mould to form an even coating at the base.

Cleaning the caramel 清除焦糖

6. Pour milk, 1/2 the quantity of sugar, and whipping cream into a pot to melt the sugar. Turn off the flame when the sugar has melted.
将牛奶、一半的细糖和鲜奶油加入一个锅中加热至糖溶化、 离火。

7. Beat egg with the remaining half of the sugar till well mix.

8. Pour the lukewarm milk mixture from (6) into the egg mixture in (7). The milk mixture to be added in small quantity to the egg mixture, and followed by continuous stirring.
将微温的牛奶液 (6)慢慢加入蛋液中(7),不停搅拌。

9. Add in the vanilla extract and mix well.

10. Sift the pudding mixture before use. Set aside.

Sponge Cake
2 egg 蛋
40g fine sugar 细糖
50g top flour 低筋面粉
20g unsalted butter 无盐奶油

1. Loosen the flour by using a hand whisk.

2. Melt the butter and warm up the eggs in a rice cooker using the 'Keep Warm' mode for 5 minutes. Let the butter and egg sit in the rice cooker for another 10 minutes, or till the butter melts.
After the butter has melted, remove it from the rice cooker. Allow the butter to cool down before adding to batter.

3. Add 2 warm eggs and sugar into a mixing bowl. First, beat the egg in low speed to blend egg with the sugar using an electrical mixer.
Then increase the mixer speed to high, and beat the egg batter for about 8 to 10 minutes.
将温热的蛋和糖放入搅拌盆中,电动打蛋器先以低速混均,再以高速将蛋液打到起泡(大概8 到 10 分钟)。

4. Fold the flour to the egg batter in two lots using the whisk detached from the mixer. Mix well, but avoid over mixing.
将面粉分两次, 以打蛋器(不需开电)加入蛋糊中。避免过分搅拌以影响口感

5. Add in the melted butter to the batter and mix well. Remember to scrap the bottom of the mixing bowl using a silicon spatula to prevent flour and butter from accumulating there.

6. First pour the pudding mixture from (10) onto the caramel.

7. Followed by the sponge cake batter from (5) above the pudding mixture.
Both batters will remain in two layers due to density difference.

8. Place the cake mould in a baking tray. Pour hot water to the baking tray to a height of 1 cm.
Bake the cake in a preheated oven set at 160 degree Celsius for 10 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 150 degree Celsius for another 30 to 35 minutes. Check the readiness of the cake by using a thin stick.

9. Transfer the cake to a wire rack to cool down. When the cake has cooled down completely, cover it with a lid or food wrap before refrigerating over night.

10. To dislodge the cake from the mould, run a thin spatula around the cake and invert the cake over a plate.
隔天用silicon spatula 绕蛋糕刮一圈,倒扣于盘子上。

11. Cut and serve cold :)
趁凉享用 :)

Recipe adapted from

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