Sunday 6 July 2014

Sweet Orange Buns 香橙小面包

Salvage the orange peels and allow it to add refreshing aroma to the soft sweet buns. The buns tasted like it has been spread with a layer of marmalade :)

Yield: 16 buns in 20cm square pan

180g bread flour 高筋面粉
20g top flour 低筋面粉
25g fine sugar 细糖
1/2 tsp instant dry yeast 速发干酵母
1/4 tsp salt 盐
20g beaten egg 蛋液
115g fresh milk 鲜奶
20g condensed milk 炼乳
1 tbsp orange peel, shredded 橙皮丝
20g unsalted butter, softened 无盐奶油

Egg wash

1. Collect fresh orange peel, without the whitish portion, and cut into thin strips. Add 1 tsp fine sugar to fresh orange peel and allow it to keep for at least 1 hour or overnight.
You can collect the orange peel and prepare beforehand.

2. Line a 20x20cm square pan with parchment paper. Grease the walls of the pan not covered by the parchment paper. The parchment paper should be taller than height of the pan, so it can help to lift the bread out of the pan.

2. Warm fridge-cold fresh milk and condensed milk in a rice cooker using "Keep Warm" function for 5 to 6 minutes. Or, leave it to stand in room temperature for about 20~30 minutes. 
Temperature of the mixture should not exceed 38 degree Celsius.

3. Mix all ingredients, except butter, together and slowly pour in the milk mixture from (2). Stir the dough in one direction, till it forms into a lump. Cover with a lid and let the dough stands for 15 minutes.

4. Wear a pair of CPE disposable gloves to handle the sticky dough. Grab one end of the dough and slam it against the wall of the mixing bowl for about 1/2 ~ 1 minutes or till the stickiness reduced.  

5. Transfer the dough to a floured work top and knead the dough by slamming and folding for 10 minutes, or till the dough becomes smooth.

6. Spread out the dough and add softened butter to it. Knead to incorporate the butter into the dough and achieve a smooth and elastic dough.

7. Spray some water over the surface of the dough, cover with a lid, and allow it to proof for about 1 hour, or till its size doubles.

8. After the dough has doubles its size, turn out the dough onto a floured work top. Deflate the dough using your palm. Divide the dough into 16 equal portions.

Each portion is about 25g

9. Roll up the dough, pull down the sides of the dough to tighten the outer layer.

10. Arrange the dough balls in the lined cake pan, allowing some gaps in between. Spray some water over the top, and transfer to a closed oven to do the final proofing for about 50 minutes, or till the size doubles.

11. Remove the dough from the oven, and starts to preheat the oven to 170 degree Celsius.
Brush a coat of egg wash over the dough surface.

12. Use a pair of small scissors to give the top of the dough 5 snips to form a star.

13. Bake the bread in the oven set at 170 degree for 15 minutes, or till the top turns  golden.
Lift the bread out of the pan, and allow it to cool on a wire rack immediately. 

14. Enjoy the soft bread 💕

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