Monday 26 February 2024

Air-Fried Turmeric Garlic Chicken

Juicy and flavourful turmeric chicken drumsticks roasted in an air fryer - faster then in an oven toaster which I used to do 😊

This recipe was done in a hurry without accurate measurement being done, as some of my FB readers were asking for the recipe after seeing my FB post. Hopefully, I can furnish the recipe with more accurate quantities and photos after my next round of cooking 😉

Video of the turmeric chicken 📹

4 medium size drumsticks, 400~450g
1 medium size potato

Marinade (estimated quantities)
1~2 tsp turmeric powder, 5g
1/2 tsp paprika powder/chili powder, 1g
1/4 tsp pepper powder
1 tsp chicken seasoning powder, 5g
2 ~ 3 tsp dark brown sugar, 10g
1 tbsp less-salt soy sauce, 15g
1/2 tsp ginger, freshly and finely grated
about 15g garlic, freshly and finely grated

1/2 tsp low-sodium salt, 2g rub directly to the drumsticks

1 tbsp grapeseed oil, to be added just before air-frying

1. Peel one potato, cut into quarters, cut some deep slits over the potato quarters. Soak in water for about 10 minutes.

2. Grate ginger and garlic into fine paste using a Japanese Ginger Grater.
You can get one Japanese Ginger Grater from Daiso.

3. Mix the grated ginger and garlic with the remaining marinating ingredients, except the salt and grapeseed oil, into a thick paste. Set it aside.

4.Rinse chicken drumsticks and pat dry.
Rub salt over the skins of the chicken drumsticks, followed by the marinade from Step 3.
Let them marinate for about 2 hours in room temperature.

5. Warm up a air fryer (AF) to 180℃ for about 3 minutes.

6. While waiting for the AF to warm up, pour grapeseed oil to coat the marinated drumsticks.
Transfer the marinated and oiled drumsticks to a non-stick roasting pan with grooves at the base (19x17x4 cm). It's alright to use normal pan, or just use the basket of the air fryer directly.

7. Coat the potato quarters using the remaining marinade and add to the roasting pan.
As my roasting pan was too small, so I air-fried the drumsticks at 180℃ for 13 minutes first, remove the cooked drumsticks, then air-fried the marinated potato quarters at 180℃ for about 10 minutes.

8. Air-fry the drumsticks at 180℃ for about 8 minutes, turn the drumsticks downside up, and continue to air-fry for about 5 minutes, or till the skin becomes golden.
Reduce the AF temperature to 120℃ and continue to air-fry for about 10 minutes. This is to avoid over-heating and drying up the drumsticks.
Include the potato quarters in the final round of heating if you air-fried the potato quarters separately in Step 7.

9. Serve the hot and juicy drumsticks and potato quarters with freshly squeezed lime juice. 
Enjoy 😋

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