Saturday 8 June 2024

Walnut Almond Butter Cake (2 eggs)

Another small-portion butter cake recipe that baked in a small oven toaster.

Added roasted walnut chunks and almond powder to the cake for a more nutty aroma. 

I used parchment paper to line the cake pan instead of coating it with butter and flour, as from my past experience, cakes added with almond powder seemed to become stickier to the pan πŸ˜‰

Yield: one loaf of cake
Pan size: 16x10x5 cm 800ml
Baking temperature: 150℃ for 30 minutes at the middle rack, and increase the temperature to about 160℃ for about 5~10 minutes.

All ingredients in room temperature
Using 55~56g eggs

74g unsalted butter, softened
1g rice bran oil/unsalted butter
25g raw sugar
25g fine sugar

2 eggs, 110g, beaten with
5g raw sugar
5g fine sugar
Pinch of low-sodium salt

40g top/cake flour
30g all purpose flour
20g almond powder, roasted **/top flour
5g milk powder
3g baking powder

15g low-fat milk
10g honey
1/2 tsp vanilla extract 

25g walnut, roasted, break into chunks **

** roast walnuts and almond flour at 150℃ till fragrant, about 5 to 8 minutes.


1. Mix cooled roasted almond powder to the rest of the dried ingredients under [C] using a hand whisk. Set aside.

2. Beat [B] till most of the sugars have dissolved. Set aside.

3. Cream [A] using a hand whisk for about 5 minutes or till pale and light.

4. Gradually combine [B] to [A].

5. Mix [C] from Step 1 to [AB] mixture from Step 4 in a few batches. 

6. Pour [D] mixture into [ABC] batter from Step 5, and mix into a smooth batter.

7. Break about 2/3 of the roasted walnuts of [E] into smaller chunks, and add to [ABCD] batter from Step 6.

7. Line a cake pan with parchment paper, or coats with butter and dust with top flour. 
Pour [ABCDE] batter into the baking pan. Run a chopstick through the batter to break any air pockets.

8. Break the remaining whole roasted walnuts of [E] into halves, and lightly pushed down to the top of the batter.

9. Stand the cake pan in a bigger shallow pan and bake in a preheated oven toaster at 150℃ for 30 minutes at the middle rack, and increase the temperature to about 160℃ for about 5 ~10 minutes to brown the crust. 
Place a small container of hot water in the oven would help to moistened the cake. This step is optional.

Tent the top with aluminum foil if the crust browned too fast.

10.  Remove from the oven toaster and cool over a wire rack for about 10 minutes. .

    Transfer the cake out of the pan, and stand over a wire rack. 

    Cover the cake with a sheet of cling wrap to lock in the moisture

    11.  After the cake has cooled down, cut and enjoy 😊 

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