Monday 11 November 2013

Fruit Jam Ogura Cake 果酱相思蛋糕

A moist sponge cake baked using the steam-baked method. The main characteristic of this cake is it can be baked with cold ingredients straight from the fridge:)
Yield: 15 cm round cake 圆蛋糕

Yolk batter 蛋黄糊
2 yolks, cold 冷蛋黄
1 whole egg, cold 冷全蛋
40g fruit jam 果酱
20g milk 牛奶
20g corn oil 粟米油
33g top flour 低筋面粉
1/16 tsp salt 盐

Egg white Meringue 蛋白糊
2 egg whites, cold 冷蛋白
20g fine sugar 细糖
1/8 tsp cream of tartar 嗒嗒粉

Directions 做法
1. Lightly grease a 6 inch round cake mould with butter. Line the bottom of the cake mould with parchment paper.

2. Add egg whites to a greased-free dry mixing bowl.

3. Beat egg white using an electric hand mixer, set at medium speed, till frothy. Add in the cream of tartar and fine sugar, continue to beat at low speed till all ingredients are well combined.
Increase the mixer speed to high, beat the meringue till soft peaks formed (the tip of the egg white slightly bent). This process takes about 2 minutes. Set aside.

4. In another mixing bowl, beat egg yolk and whole egg till pale. Add in corn oil and mix well.

5. Add in fruit jam and milk. Blend well.

6. Loosen the flour and salt using a hand whisk, before adding to the yolk batter in (5). The flour to be added in 2 lots.
Avoid over mixing, which will end up with a harder cake texture.

7. Fold in 1/3 of the meringue from (3) into the yolk batter. Mix well before adding the remaining meringue.

8. Pour the batter slowly into the cake mould. Tap the cake mould lightly a few times to level the top, as well as to get rid of trapped air.

9. Pour about 300g of hot water into a baking tray placed at lowest shelf of the oven. Preheat the oven to 160 degree Celsius.

10. Place the cake mould into oven at mid shelf and bake at 160 degree for 15 minutes. Lower to 140 degree Celsius for  another 15 minutes or till an inserted stick came out dry.
During the final 5 minutes, if you starts to smell the nice aroma of the cake, and the cake starts to reduce in height, test the readiness of the cake with a stick. Over baking will cause the cake to shrink in volume.

12. Remove the cake mould from the oven, and invert it over a wire rack to cool down immediately. This is to prevent the cake from shrinking in height.

13. After about 1 minute, run a soft spatula round the edge of the cake. Invert the cake out of the cake mould. Continue to cool down over the wire rack.

14. When the cake has cooled down completely, cut and serve. 
当蛋糕完全冷却后,切块食用 :)

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