Friday, 30 October 2015

Banana Coconut Cotton Cake 香蕉椰香棉花蛋糕

I adapted another wonderful recipe from Sharon's blog <爱厨房的幸福之味> again. It's a super light banana cake in great flavour of both banana and coconut milk :)

Yield: one 15cm diameter round cake
Cake mould: 6" round mould, 7.5cm tall
Baking temperature & time:
Preheat oven to 170 degree C.
Bake at 170 degree C for 40 minutes with upper heating only
Lower to 150 degree C for another 20 minutes with both upper & lower heating.

All ingredients in room temperature 
Using 55g eggs
40g coconut/vegetable oil 椰油/植物油
50g top/cake flour 低筋面粉

25g coconut milk 浓椰浆
50g banana paste 香蕉泥
3 egg yolks 蛋黄
1 egg 全蛋
1/8 tsp salt 盐

3 egg whites 蛋白
35g fine sugar 细砂糖

1. Line a 6" round cake pan with a small piece of parchment paper if you are using a fixed base cake pan. This is to facilitate removal of cake from the pan.
You may omit this step if you are using a 6" removal base cake pan. 

2. Blend banana with coconut milk  Set aside.

3. Loosen the flour using a hand whisk. Set aside.

4. Heat coconut/vegetable oil till you see convection current starting to appear at the bottom of the oil (about 70 to 75 degree Celsius). 
Do not over heat the oil as we don't want to fry the flour.

5. Remove the bowl of hot oil from the stove, add in the flour and stir till smooth paste formed.
Let the cooked dough cool down for 5 minutes before adding to egg batter.

6.  In a separate bowl, blend 3 egg yolks with a whole egg.

7. Stir in the banana coconut milk mixture from (2) to the yolk batter

8. Add the cooked dough from (5) to (7). And mix into a smooth batter. 

9. Mix in a pinch of salt. Cover and set aside.

10. Beat egg white till frothy, for about 30 seconds. Add in the sugar, in 3 batches.

11. Beat at medium high speed at the start and reduce to low speed towards the end of the process. Beat the meringue till almost reaching the stiff peak stage. The standing meringue has a slight dip at the tip.

12. Scoop about 1/3 of the meringue into the yolk batter at (9). Fold to mix.

13. Pour the yolk batter back to the remaining meringue and fold to mix into a smooth batter.

14. Pour the batter into the 6" round cake mould. Lightly bang the cake mould a few times to remove any trapped air bubbles in the batter.

15. Place the cake pan in a tray of 1cm-deep hot water. 
Steam-bake the batter in a preheated oven set at 170 degree Celsius with only the upper heating coil for 40 minutes at lower rack of the oven. 

After 40 minutes, reduce the oven temperature to 150 degree Celsius and turn on both upper and lower heating, for another 20 minutes.
If the cake brown too fast, cover it with an aluminum foil.

End of baking.
The cake is done if it stops rising for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Oven temperature and baking duration may differ based on individual oven.

16. Remove the cake with pan from the oven and drop it from a height of about 8cm to prevent the cake from shrinking after cooling down. 

After the 20~25 minutes of cooling down, and while the cake is still warm, runs a silicon spatula along the edge of the cake. Remove the cake from the cake pan and cool down on a wire rack. This is to prevent accumulation of moisture at the base of the cake.

You can keep the cake in the oven and let the remnant heat dries the cake exterior for about 20 minutes.

17. Slice the cake after the cake has cooled down. 

Keep the cake in an air tight container and refrigerate it. The cake tastes better if serve chilled :)

Great appreciation
Recipe adapted from a good recipe shared by Sharon's blog 


  1. Hi, why must the coconut oil be heated up before adding the flour? Thanks.

    1. Hi AF Yeng, this method is usually known as 烫面. By adding flour to warm oil, the flour is able to absorb more fluid than when it is cool. The end product has a texture similar to cottony Japanese cheesecake :)

  2. Hi mymindpatch. Very beautiful sponge. Question . your ingredient list has 50gm of banana paste? But u are blending bananas with the coconut milk. So is it a typo error? Thanks for sharing. Chloe

    1. Hi Chloe, if you're not using a blender, then you can use banana paste :)

  3. Sorry so you use 50gm bananas to process with 25ml coconut milk? Is this right? Thanks

  4. As the blender will retain some of the ingredients, so I used slightly more quantity than the specified quantity. I used 52g of banana and 26g of coconut milk to blend.

  5. thanks for all your recipes

    1. Hi Natsupee, glad to share with you . Hope you'll like these recipes :)

  6. Hi my oven only has fan mode there is no top and bottom heat. Can I use fan mode to steam bake

    1. Hi Ee Lin, maybe you can try 170 degree C for 7 minutes, and 150 degree C for 20 minutes, using non-fan mode, turning on both heating coils :)

  7. Hi,
    Can we use plain flour instead of cake flour?

    1. Hi Insiya, you can use plain flour, but the cake maybe slightly denser :)

  8. Hi Lisa, as the baking time is only 1 hour, so far I do not need to top up the hot water :)

  9. Hi. I've tried this cake but encountered 2 problems. The cake doesn't rise n the bottom layer is hard. Need your expert advise. Thanks

  10. Hi,
    Has anyone made this cake with a recipe that's for a bigger pan than the 6 inch?

    1. Hi, I came across friends who bake similar cake using an 8 inch pan by doubling the quantity of this recipe. Hope this helps 😊


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