Tuesday 28 May 2013

Happycall Turmeric Chicken

Serving: 3 adults

3 chicken thighs
1 tbsp Tumeric powder
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp light soya sauce

1. Wash and trim away extra fat of the chicken thighs. Pat dry and set aside.

2. Put the Tumeric powder into a big plastic bag.

3. Throw the chicken thighs into the plastic bag, twist to close. Give the plastic bag a few good shake to coat the meat. 
Let the meat rest in a mixing bowl for about 1 hour.
Best to do this over the kitchen sink in case of any spill.

4. Mix olive oil, light soya sauce and minced garlic in a bowl. Set aside.

5. Line the Happycall pan with parchment paper, for easy cleaning at the end of the cooking.

6. Preheat the pan to medium high heat. Coat the meat with oil soya sauce mixture before placing the meat in the pan. Turn the meat every 1 minute during the first 5 minutes.
Then lower the heat to medium and continue to cook for 5 minutes. Turning the meat regularly.

Keep the lid ajar throughout the cooking process.

7. For the final 10 minutes, reduce the heat to lowest, turning regularly.
Shift the meat to the edge, where the temperature is lower, keeping the skin side down, continue to grill to melt the fat underneath the skin.

7. Remove the meat from the pan and serve with warm coconut milk rice and apple cucumber salad :)

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