Saturday 2 January 2016

Garden by the Sill - Spring Onion

When we bought a fresh bunch of spring onions home, even if we keep them in the fridge, they will turn yellow and slimy after about 5 days. However, if we spend a little effort to keep them in different ways, we can ensure a longer green life span of the plant.

Usually, I'll cut and separate the green part from the white. I'll cut the green portion and keep them in a box in the freezer. While for the white portion, I'll keep them (with the roots intact), in a shallow cup of water by the kitchen sill. The onion will continue to grow fast. By end of the week, they can be harvested fresh.


1. Buy spring onions with roots intact.

2. Divide the spring onions into the green and the white portions.

3. Cut the green portion into short length and keep them in a freezer.

One day after freezing.

9 days after freezing.
Do not thaw and refreeze the frozen green onion, it will lose its form.

4. While for the white portion, bundled them together and dip in a shallow cup of water.

5. Place it next to the window sill, or any corner which is bright. 
The bundle on the right is the new plant, and the bundle on the left was the week-old plant.

The growing process 

3 Jan 2016

4 Jan 2016






Keeping food fresh = reducing food wastage 


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